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    Electronic chemical industry

    作者:小編 Update time:2024-04-26 Clicks:

    Case type: Electronic chemical industry

    Case Description:

    Through the MES manufacturing execution system, comprehensive material management, full process tracking of product production, and precise traceability of materials and equipment are achieved, achieving transparency and traceability of internal supply chain operations, as well as error prevention and error prevention through human-machine and material methods.

    Material Management:

    Material label printing, warehouse receiving and issuing, IQC inspection, material shelving, warehouse issuing, material returning, material splitting, finished/semi-finished product inbound and outbound, warehouse location management;

    Production management:

    Label coding management, product label printing, process planning, process verification and error prevention, material loading verification and traceability, key testing station data receipt collection, rework control, WIP and efficiency management;

    Quality management:

    IQC, OQC quality sampling, and production defect control;

    Product traceability:

    Establish a complete product component raw material traceability system, providing authentic and reliable original records for customer service and after-sales service. Establish product production process, equipment, production staff, testing process

    The traceability system;

    Device interface:

    Realize interaction with inkjet printers; Provide a Webservice interface for devices to call, enable the system to capture and parse specified files generated by the device, and implement the function of calling the device's Webservice;

    System interface:

    Realize single and bidirectional data exchange with ERP system;

    Data center:

    A powerful BI platform with real-time electronic signage and report generation.

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