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    New energy battery industry

    作者:小編 Update time:2024-04-26 Clicks:

    Case type: New energy battery industry

    Case Description:

    Production Planning and Scheduling: MES systems can help formulate and optimize production plans, and arrange production tasks and production line scheduling reasonably based on order requirements and resource availability. By monitoring the status and production progress of the workstation in real-time, adjusting the production plan in a timely manner, and improving production efficiency and on-time delivery.

    Material Management: MES systems can manage the materials and components required in the automotive electronic manufacturing process. It can track the supply status of materials, keep track of material inventory and usage in real-time, and provide automatic replenishment and ordering functions to ensure timely supply and correct use of materials.

    Production data collection and monitoring: The MES system can collect and monitor various data during the production process in real time, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, etc., through sensors and automation equipment. These data can be used to monitor the operational status of production equipment, inspect and trace product quality, and handle and analyze abnormal events.

    Quality management: MES system can achieve quality control and inspection of various links in the production process. It can define and record process parameters and product specifications, and conduct online inspection and testing through automation. At the same time, the system can also track and record product batch information to achieve product traceability and backtracking.

    Process improvement and optimization: MES systems can improve and optimize processes based on production data and analysis results. By monitoring and analyzing the production process, identify potential problems and bottlenecks, and provide relevant improvement suggestions. This helps to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and continuously improve product quality and process stability.

    Compliance and Reporting: The automotive electronics industry has very strict compliance and regulatory requirements, and MES systems can support enterprises in production management and reporting in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. It can generate production records and reports that comply with regulations, providing comprehensive product traceability and compliance certification.

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